I was reading someone's blog and i come across something i feel that i should share with all of you and all my friends~
有一天與朋友相約海邊 , 走著走著我忽然說錯一句話他就打了我一巴掌 ! 我把它寫在沙灘上 ( 今天我朋友打了我一巴掌 ) ! 再走著走著一不小心我掉進了海裡差點淹死 , 我朋友把我救起來 ! 這次我把它刻在石頭上 ( 今天我朋友救了我一命 ) ! 我朋友好奇的問我 : 為什麼我打妳一巴掌時你把它寫在沙灘上 ? 我救妳一命時妳卻把它刻在石頭上 ? 我告訴他 : 朋友的傷害往往是無心的 , 要把它們放在心中最容易忘記的地方 , 讓風去憮平它 ! 但是朋友的幫忙絕對都是真心真意的 , 要把它們刻在心中最深的地方 , 牢牢的記住它 !
To all my friends, if i ever hurt you trust me i dont mean it, and to all that helped me before i will forever remember, i will never want to forget...Love you all!!
Well resently i have been doing some shopping..again..haha will take some photos and post them here soon....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Well yesterday was bad at work..sometimes really feel vey hui xin but like what Julie said well if no one knows that the thing you do is right but dont worry God knows...i think if i see everything like that i will be much more happier....
After some thinking talking thinking...i will not buy a car first, at least not now whereby i cant drive to work..i will work hard towards my goal and i believe one day i can make it...i want to thank Allen for being so supportive....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My new glasses & monster Kaylen...
Got my new glasses today..my old one was bad need it for driving so made a new one...this tme its a red one, different from what i had last time big plastic kind this time is those si wen kind (haha hopefully i look si wen in it). Think i should wearing glasses more often and get use to it~~
Kaylen so naughty nowadays...always ee erer ahah...dont want to sleep.....haizz...sometimes even my mum also cant stand it!! But when she is happy gd mood really lovely la, but 75% of the time she is a monster...only 20% of the time she is so nice...the rest of the 5% dont know what she thinking..stone i guess...haha but overall once she laugh we all gave in to her!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Suzuki Alto
I Like this car..so cute and Retro!! haha Suzuki Alto.. And its cheap too think around 46000.. but only 658cc..well its really cute la..i am not going to race people to the next taffic light so i am fine with 658cc~~ Think i will go for a test drive see how first even if i want to buy also must wait till i get a job whereby i can drive to work everyday if not this car will only stay in my carpark most of the time!!~~
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Finally also upgrade my Macbook to Leopard ver...looks great seems like the speed is also faster..and i left with lots of free space...emm feels gd..just need to get use to how to use it... Apple supporter!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Twilight Movie

Finally all the cast of Twilight movie has been chossen..well Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen...the role suits him so well, just like how i imagine Edward will look like..sooo Handsome!! Well i first saw Robert Pattinson actting in Harry Potter at that time i believe everyone just cant take your eyes off him..Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and now Edward in Twilight..God he will be the next big thing!! I cant wait for the movie to release... Yesterday i just finished the 2nd book "New Moon" and bought "Eelipse"... cant wait to finish reading the book ( ^ -^ )
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Kaylen is sick~~

Kaylen is sick since yesterday..poor gal..fever and stomach upset..Yesterday when Allen and me reach home in the afternoon we feel that Kaylen's kept crying and ee ahah..her body very hot..Fever..haizz..than we gave her some medicine try to make her sleep hopefully she will get better..but i wake up around 4 am check on her..still high fever..so this morning we bring her to the doctor and get some medicine for her...after she reach home the whole afternoon she cry and cry dont want to sleep..even we know she is not feeling but still we feel very irritated..and really tired..haizz..lucky after medicine she fell asleep and after she wake up she feels better..haha attached is the photo i took for her after she drink milk and play with me..she Finally SMILE!!~~ Hopefully she will get well soon... really hate to see her unwell and everybody's mood is affected...

I think most of my close friend knows i am a watch freak.. really its very diffcult to find something that could keep my interest for so long and spent so much money on it..haha watches is one of my greatest interest!! That day on my TP test i was wearing my BALL ~ Fireman 40mm, haha the tester commented that i have a really nice watch and i am really happy... haha well this is my first watch i bought that spent more than half of my one month pay lor..haha but i really like it and now this ball of mine plays a part in helping me to please my TP tester somehow make me relax during my TP test..haha so everyone Now I Present To You My Hero Of The Month ~ My BALL ~ Fireman 40mm!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I Passed My TP Test Finally~~
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tomorrow is the Big day~ TP test

Tomorrow has finally arrived...soon...AHHH...My TP Test!!!..again....I just came back from a 200min driving lesson...really really tired and stressful..my last chance to get things right..well even in between the 15 min break..i was writing notes for all the parkings....ahhh...pls wish me luck for tomorrow~
Shoes~~QiZais and Stitches

Chris is back from HK..haha..bought lots for things for me...emm makes me feel like its Xmas already..haha well the Nike dunk i requested..really nice..and a suprise Lacoste shoe which is really simple and nice (dont see it in Spore) Lots of QiZais (althought it is very funny looking with brown mouth..but when you touch it feels gd) and of cos my all time fav. Stitch!!! Also a soccer T-Shirt (Kaka on it)..Chris is always so nice..haha..bring back for me all my fav. things thanks alot~~!! And also all the best with le girlfriend ya..tian tian mi mi always~
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Qi Zai

Today went to Plaza Sing saw TS selling CJ7 Dvd and you can purchase a QiZai toy when you purchase the Dvd..haha finally i got a smiling QiZai!! Dont really fancy the movie but really find QiZai very cute..haha cant take my eyes off him!!~~~ Well Chris is back from HK and really looking forward to see all the QiZais he bought for me~~~ haha...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Books ~ By Stephenie Meyer

My New Blog
I shall start with something really sweet and nice... Kaylen is about 7 months old le..haha got her first 2 teeth below!! haha so funny and i think going to have 2 more coming...she now see anything she also want to eat..toy also put in her mouth..and very talkative..haha i dont understand what she trying to say but so funny just looking at her,,ahh..ahhh..eeii,,eeii....haha i admit the feelings is gd when you see your baby growing day by day..learning more things..really makes you happy!!
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